Our Services
Dedicated to Service Excellence
Journeys Autism Center offers families center-based, one-to-one ABA services in South Bend, Indiana. ABA provides each client with individualized and ongoing programming to promote pro-social skills that increase independence in all areas of development. Targeted skills are broken down into smaller parts and taught using a variety of data-driven and systematic approaches.
Our philosophy is based around the idea that although no child with autism learns the same, leading with ethical practices and a client-centered process can help clients achieve the best possible outcome. It is essential for our clients to experience positive social interactions with peers and adults in an increasing number of settings.
Our center-based programming may include a variety of instructional strategies that fall under the umbrella of ABA. These are evidence-based strategies that include, but are not limited to, Discrete Trial Teaching, Natural Environment Teaching, Teaching Interaction Procedures, and Fluency Instruction.

A client-centered process can help your family achieve the best possible outcome

Our individualized programs are based on an initial assessment and family preferences. Our behavior program provides the following services:

ABA Assessment and Treatment

Collaboration with Your Child's Entire Team

Direct 1:1 Intervention Provided by Trained Staff

Parent Education and Training

Social Skills Instruction

School and Community Transitions
Parenting a child with an autism spectrum disorder can be both rewarding and challenging. We are here to provide supports, education, and training to all parents who need it.

Individualized Programming and Ongoing Analysis
Get In Touch

1316 W Dragoon Trail
Mishawaka, IN 46544
17106 Cleveland Road
South Bend, IN 46635